Young Adult's Circle 

At Bay Area Friendship Circle's Young Adult's Circle, participants with special needs are paired with other young adult volunteers who provide them with friendship, support and mentorship during their transition years. Events are held on Saturday or Sunday evenings. 

Young Adult participants gain leadership and social skills by having the opportunity to create their own activities with the support of their peers. Young Adult's Circle also gives the participants an opportunity to learn living skills that foster independence. The Young Adult's Circle is run by a therapist, as well as a board of Friendship Circle young adult participants and young adult volunteers.


Young Adults are dropped off and parents are then are invited to stay and join other parents to socialize or enjoy time on their own off-site. 

Ages: 20-35
Fee: $890

Click Here for the 2019-2020 Program Dates

This program is a partnership between the Bay Area Friendship Circle and the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley's Giving Circle

Bay Area FC's Young Adult Circle is also kindly sponsored by
Alan Fisher and Barbara Sommer in memory of Alan's dear brother, Jeff.

Click here for the Young Adults Circle Participant Registration Form

  Click here for the  Young Adults Circle Volunteer Registration Form


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